There are a lot of announcements coming from the White House as President Trump tries to change immigration right now. We know it can be confusing, so we are providing a simple summary of what these immigration orders mean. It is important to remember that the president does not make all the rules—these orders are Trump’s attempts to change immigration.

Remember, you have rights. If you have questions, consult with an attorney.

Quick links:

Updated: 3/7/2017


On March 6, President Trump signed a revised executive order on immigration targeting Muslims and refugees. After airport rallies nationwide protested the ban, and courts around the country rejected it, President Trump finally accepted that the discriminatory, unconstitutional ban wouldn't work. But rather than withdraw the travel ban completely, President Trump issued a new anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant version of the Muslim ban that courts refused to allow the first time around. Check out this infographic timeline to see where we are with these immigration executive orders and our fight back:


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On January 27, just two days after the announcement of two anti-immigrant executive orders, President Trump announced an executive order, called the “Muslim Ban”. Here’s what this order does:

  • Bars all citizens from 7 Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for at least 90 days.
    • The 7 countries are: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
    • Initially, this order included people with green cards, student visas, and refugees. Later, DHS promised to allow green card holders from these 7 countries to enter the United States.
  • Prohibits all refugees from entering the United States for 120 days.
  • Prevents Syrians from entering the United States indefinitely.
  • Decreases refugee admissions from 110,000 to 50,000.

Update - February 9: This executive order has been suspended until further notice. Check back here for updates.

The January 27, 2017 executive order is available on the White House website: Exective Order on the “Muslim Ban”

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On January 25, President Trump announced two immigration executive orders on interior and border enforcement that wrongly focus deportation priorities on hardworking immigrant and expands the number of ICE and Border Patrol agents.

These executive orders are not only about building a wall. Here are the top 5 reasons why Trump’s attempts to change immigration are all bad:

  1. Focuses on deporting long-term residents of the U.S., our neighbors and our friends.
  2. Eliminates basic due process for large numbers of immigrants, allowing them to be deported without having a chance to present their case to a judge.
  3. Turns police into immigration agents, creating distrust in communities and an increase in crime.
  4. Prohibits people who are escaping life-threatening, violent situations from finding a safe haven in the U.S.
  5. Wastes billions of dollars – costing U.S. taxpayers $117 billion over ten years.

The January 25, 2017 executive orders are available on the White House website:


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Our communities are fighting back against these attacks on immigrants, Muslims and refugees. Already, challenges have been filed in Brooklyn, Boston, Alexandria and many other courts around the country.


  • On February 3, a Seattle judge issued a temporary nationwide block on President Trump’s travel ban. That order continues to be fought in the courts.
  • On February 9, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled against reinstating President Trump’s immigration ban. This executive order has been suspended until further notice.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on these executive orders.

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iAmerica will host a Facebook Live Q&A soon on what these executive orders mean and how they may affect you. Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get updated on the date and time of the Facebook Live event.  

In the meantime, what are your questions on these immigration executive orders? Let us know! Submit your question.

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