María Bilbao and Mauro Kennedy
Country of Origin: Argentina
Location: Miami, Florida
Occupation: María is a domestic worker and activist, Mauro is a construction worker

Submitted by Thomas Kennedy, son of Maria and Mauro

"My parents immigrated to the United States from Argentina in 2001 and as far as I can remember my dad has always been a towering figure in my life. At 6’3 he has always stood taller than me and I’ve always looked up to him as an example of iron willpower and determination. I grew up watching him wake up at 7 a.m. every day, only to come home late at night covered in dust and sweat after performing backbreaking construction work. My mother has always been my mentor, and I’ve seen her take control of her own narrative as an undocumented domestic worker and use her story to fight for a better life for our family. My parents have been the example I follow when confronting everyday life and I live by the values they instilled in me, that’s why they are my immigrant heroes."

Read more about Thomas Kennedy in this article.

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