Wynona Spears
Country of Origin: Belize
Location: Downey, California
Occupation: Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)

Wynona Spears shares her story with us:

Black immigrants are not recognized. You mostly see Hispanics, but there is a large number of black immigrant folks in the shadows, and the population is increasing by the day.

I have been involved in the immigration reform movement since the 1990s.
I’ve attended marches, been pepper sprayed and stomped on. I would hear Hispanics say, “Thanks for supporting us.” I would reply, “I’m an immigrant too. I am from Belize.”

We need all immigrants to come together. This is a civil rights movement. I believe that we contribute with our work, education and supporting this country. My son went to war for this country. He fought in Afghanistan and is currently in the air force.

My grandfather came to the United States in 1951. That was the beginning of our family’s migration to the United States. I came to the U.S. with a visa and decided to stay. I was undocumented and I know the fear of being undocumented. I worked as a housekeeper in New York cleaning the home of an attorney. He told me I was an activist. We are here now and here to stay!

I will be casting my vote on November 8!

Wynona volunteering to help get out the vote.

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