iAmerica Immigration Pathways

Wadooyinka Socdaalka

About immi

Immi helps immigrants in the U.S. understand their legal options. Immi’s online screening tool, legal information, and referrals to nonprofit legal services organizations are always free to use. Immi was created by iAmerica’s partners, the Immigration Advocates Network and Pro Bono Net, two nonprofit organizations dedicated to increasing access to justice for low-income immigrants.

How the interview works

The immi interview helps you to understand your immigration options. It has questions about qualifying for a way to stay in the United States. It does not screen for all the ways to stay. It asks about your eligibility for:

The interview also has questions about possible complications in your case. Some immigration or criminal problems may disqualify you. Other immigration problems make it very hard to qualify. A legal advocate can help you understand how a problem affects your case.

The interview has different parts that focus on the different ways to stay. The progress bar shows which part you are in. At the beginning of each part, there is a link to the Learning Center with more information about that way to stay.

Some people will not be allowed to complete the entire interview. They may qualify for a way to stay, but they need legal help. For example, the interview does not help people who are in immigration court now, or people who already have an immigration status that leads to a green card.

At the end of the interview, you’ll get results based on your answers. Each result is on a separate “card” about a way to stay, and includes:

To return to your results, enter your email address or mobile phone number and you will receive an email or text with a link to your results.

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How to use immi

Start by completing the online interview to understand your immigration options. This should take you between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on your answers. At the end, you will receive personalized results that explain your immigration options, as well as why you might qualify and potential risks.

After you have completed the online interview, you can access your results by sending them to your email or mobile phone.

Learn about U.S. immigration law by visiting the immi Learning Center. If you have a question about a specific immigration term, you can also search their glossary.

Find Legal Help. Our network of over 1,000 nonprofits can assist you for free or at a low cost. Type in your zip code to find an organization near you. Tip: You can print your immi results to bring to your first meeting with a legal advocate.

Has your situation or the law changed? Take the immi Interview again.

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Make a plan

Use this tool to help you prepare your family, manage your property and make arrangement for your debts in case of an unfortunate event that a love one is detained or deported. Protect your family by having a plan.

Stand with Immigrants: share immi

Know someone who could benefit from immi? Share the immi tool with your friends and family by email, Facebook and Twitter.