Xoojinta riyooyinka.

Shidaal Isbadal.

iAmerica waa ololaha cadaalada soogalootiga qaranka ee Ururka Shaqaalaha Caalamiga ah ee Adeegga (SEIU). Waxaan awood siineynaa riyooyin iyo kicinta isbeddelka anagoo u doodnayna xuquuqda qoysaska Mareykanka oo dhan.

Khayraadka sifaysan
Image showing people at a protest with raised fists

Ogow Xuquuqdaada

Ficilka muuqda
Hands holding up American flags

Talaabo Qaado - Ballanqaadka Bixinta

Sheeko Muuqata
Nurse with illustrated paper airplane next to her

Teresa DeLeon, oo ka timid Filibiin xubinna ka ah SEIU 1199NW

3 days ago

We all want safe communities, but the #lakenrileyact would make us all less safe. This bill would eliminate due process for many immigrants, including DACA recipients and other longtime residents, requiring ICE to detain them indefinitely even if they are innocent. Tell your senators to oppose this harmful bill: ☎️1-888-204-8353 ... Wax badan ka aragWax yar ka eeg
Ka daawo Facebook-ga

"It will be a moral failure that as immigrants work to get SoCal back on its feet — cleaning up mountains of debris, erecting wooden beams, installing drywall and wiring electrical systems — they will be doing so under threat of family separation."


Wax badan soo rar