The TRUTH about immigration and the MAGA LIES that will flood your timeline with hate and fear-mongering. Stay informed and know the facts.
TRUTH: Immigrants pay nearly $100 billion in taxes a year.
LIE: Immigrants don’t pay taxes.
On average, undocumented immigrants contribute more in taxes than they consume in public benefits. In 2022, these taxpayers contributed nearly $100 billion in federal, state, and local taxes. Their tax dollars help to fund programs that we rely on, like Social Security and Medicare—programs that they cannot claim.
Granting work permits and providing an eventual pathway to citizenship would increase their tax contributions by $40.2 billion annually to $136.9 billion.
Immigrants pay more than their fair share of taxes, unlike many CEOs and certain politicians.
Immigrants are job creators, not takers. Immigrants create new jobs by opening new businesses, buying homes, and spending their incomes on American goods. In fact, nearly 45% of the 2023 Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children. These large American companies employ more than 14.8 million people worldwide. Not to mention other immigrant-owned businesses like corner delis, restaurants, high-tech startups, and other businesses that boost the economy and create new jobs.
Contrary to MAGA rhetoric, immigration does not push U.S. workers out of their jobs—research shows that! In fact, immigration boosts wages for all workers, particularly for Black and Latino workers.
Immigrants come to the U.S. for a better future, eager to work and contribute to their communities. Getting into trouble would jeopardize their future and dreams. That may be why immigrants have the lowest crime rates in the U.S. Study after study shows that undocumented immigrants are not more prone to crime. Despite claims from MAGA politicians blaming immigrants for the fentanyl crisis, the reality is that the majority of those smuggling fentanyl are, in fact, U.S. citizens.
By embracing immigrants’ contributions and focusing on the real issues, we can build a stronger, safer, and more united nation for all Americans.
We all want to address the humanitarian crisis at our borders, but a wall and an enforcement-only approach put lives in danger and waste billions of taxpayer dollars. This cost doesn’t even begin to account for the resulting devastation to communities, small businesses, and local economies or the separation of American families.
The people arriving at our borders are mothers, fathers, and families seeking safety and escaping life-threatening situations. They must be given a fair opportunity to apply for asylum–it is their legal right.
That’s why real solutions include properly staffing asylum offices and immigration courts so applications can be processed more efficiently and providing work permits to eligible individuals quickly so they can work and become self-sufficient sooner. Real solutions also include a pathway to citizenship for the millions of people who have lived here for decades, raising American families and contributing to the economy.
Updates to our outdated immigration system must be humane, orderly, and treat everyone with dignity.
For the vast majority of long settled immigrants in the U.S., there is no “line” available to apply for citizenship even though most have lived here for over a decade, working hard, paying taxes, and contributing to our communities and the U.S. economy.
However, for people who want to join their family in the U.S. and wait in the so-called “line”, USCIS backlogs keep people waiting for decades, or for some, more than a lifetime. Sadly, some people have passed away before being able to reunite with their loved ones in the U.S.
Without action from Congress, many could live their entire lives in the U.S. without the opportunity to become U.S. citizens.
Il existe déjà des lois qui interdisent aux non-citoyens de voter aux élections fédérales américaines. En outre, il n'existe aucune preuve réelle pour étayer la rhétorique du MAGA selon laquelle un grand nombre de non-citoyens voteraient. Les fonctionnaires électoraux travaillent toute l'année pour garantir l'intégrité et la sécurité de nos élections. Les efforts déployés par les républicains pour exiger une preuve de citoyenneté lors de l'inscription sur les listes électorales empêcheraient en fait de nombreux citoyens américains - des électeurs éligibles - d'exercer leur droit de vote.
En fait, les citoyens américains de couleur seraient davantage touchés par ces exigences. Des études montrent que les électeurs de couleur sont plus susceptibles que les électeurs blancs de ne pas avoir de documents de citoyenneté ou de ne pas pouvoir y accéder rapidement. Pensez aux Américains âgés et aux Noirs américains, en particulier dans le Sud, qui sont plus susceptibles d'être nés en dehors d'un hôpital et qui n'ont peut-être pas reçu automatiquement un certificat de naissance.
Alors, pourquoi tant de républicains vantent-ils ces fausses affirmations ? Ils préparent le terrain pour prétendre qu'il y a eu fraude électorale lorsque les élections ne se déroulent pas comme ils l'entendent. Nous l'avons vu le 6 janvier, lorsque de fausses allégations d'élections volées ont conduit à une attaque contre le Capitole des États-Unis et notre démocratie.
Exiger une preuve de citoyenneté lors de l'inscription sur les listes électorales ne ferait qu'empêcher les citoyens américains d'exercer leur droit de vote. Nous devrions faciliter, et non compliquer, la tâche des électeurs qui ont le droit de voter et de faire entendre leur voix.