Update: This Biden-era process has been terminated. As of November 7, 2024, a federal court in Texas discontinued the Keeping Families Together parole process and as a result, will not decide pending applications or accept new applications.
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Under the Biden administration, families with undocumented spouses and children could apply for protections with the Biden-Harris process to Keep Families Together!
2024년 6월 18일, 바이든 대통령 발표 a process to keep American families together by protecting the spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens. In the form of Parole in Place (PIP), the executive order provided work permits, deportation protection, and a possible pathway to permanent status for people who are already contributing to the U.S. economy and ingrained in American communities.
The announcement also indicated the administration would streamline a waiver process allowing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) holders and others who have graduated from college to more easily obtain work visas, such as H-1B temporary visas for skilled workers.
As of November 7, 2024, this Biden-era process has been discontinued. Please consult with a reputable immigration service provider for further details on this or any other immigration relief that may be available to you.
공증인 또는 사기꾼 주의 - 평판이 좋은 법률 지원 받기
Remember, the application for Parole in Place for spouses of U.S. citizens has been terminated. Beware of scammers who may say otherwise. If you need legal advice, find a reputable legal services provider near you at iAmerica.org/legalhelp.
행동을 취하고 목소리를 내세요!
Join us in fighting for true immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million who are essential to our families, communities, and the U.S. economy. 가족에게 802495로 문자를 보냅니다.
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