테레사 델레온, 필리핀 출신 이민자이자 SEIU 1199NW 회원

Teresa, SEIU Member

When my father first arrived in the U.S., he slept on his cousin’s couch in a one-bedroom apartment. At night, he would sneak into the bathroom to cry because he missed his family. Later, my mother and younger sisters joined him, but as a toddler, I was left with my Lola (grandmother) in the Philippines. […]

메리 데이비스, 재가 요양보호사 및 SEIU 1199 회원

Mery, SEIU member

저는 미국에 도착하기 전의 사진을 거의 가지고 있지 않습니다. 첫 아이가 태어난 후 온두라스를 방문했을 때 여동생들과 함께 찍은 사진 한 장이 있었어요. 하지만 미국에서 일을 시작했을 때 누군가 사진을 담은 제 수첩을 강도로부터 빼앗아 갔어요. 하지만 그 손실이 제가 이곳에서 좋은 삶을 사는 데 방해가 되지는 않았어요.

바비 두타, 인도 출신 이민자이자 SEIU 로컬 1000 회원

Bobby Dutta, immigrant from India and SEIU Local 1000 member

I was born and raised in India and arrived in the U.S. as a teenager during the late 1970s. My family separation story began when I was 9 years old. My grandmother, who lived in Scotland at the time, got sick, so my mother decided to leave India to take care of her. She intended […]