Lacagtu maaha inay caqabad ku noqoto dhalashada Maraykanka

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“I’m proud to contribute to America’s economy as an essential worker—it’s been a long road to get here. El Salvador was my first home, but after a devastating earthquake struck, I was left homeless and with nothing to call my own. Terrified and out of options, I came to the U.S. and was granted a safe haven and work permit through Temporary Protected Status (TPS). I started rebuilding a life for my family.” – Maria Barahona, SEIU Local 2015 Member and Home Care Provider

Yoshi Her, wiilka qaxootiga Hmong iyo xubin SEIU HCMN

man at microphone with illustrated speech bubble beside him

I was born in the United States, but my parents were not. As Hmong refugees, they migrated from Laos to a refugee camp in Thailand before they came to the United States. During what was known as “The Secret War” in Laos, the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruited indigenous Hmong people to fight […]

Teresa DeLeon, oo ka timid Filibiin xubinna ka ah SEIU 1199NW

Teresa, SEIU Member

When my father first arrived in the U.S., he slept on his cousin’s couch in a one-bedroom apartment. At night, he would sneak into the bathroom to cry because he missed his family. Later, my mother and younger sisters joined him, but as a toddler, I was left with my Lola (grandmother) in the Philippines. […]

Mery Davis, shaqaalaha daryeelka guriga iyo xubin SEIU 1199

Mery, SEIU member

Waxaan haystaa sawirro aad u yar oo noloshayda ah ka hor intaanan iman Ameerika. Mararka qaarkood, waxaan lahaa sawir aniga iyo walaalahey markii ay booqdeen Honduras ka dib markii uu dhashay cunugeyga koowaad. Laakiin markii aan shaqada ka bilaabay Ameerika, qof baa i dhacay oo jeebkayga ka qaatay meesha aan sawirka ku haystay. Khasaaradaasi igama celin in aan nolol wanaagsan ku helo halkan.

Marlyn Hoilette, immigrant from Jamaica and SEIU 1199 member

Marlyn, SEIU member

I am one of seven siblings. Three of us live in Florida and four in New York. Two of my brothers work in transportation in New York City, and two of my sisters are nurses, like me. The oldest of us is about to retire. My mom says she has no regrets; she can retire […]

Bobby Dutta, soogalootiga Hindiya iyo SEIU Local 1000 xubin

Bobby Dutta, immigrant from India and SEIU Local 1000 member

I was born and raised in India and arrived in the U.S. as a teenager during the late 1970s. My family separation story began when I was 9 years old. My grandmother, who lived in Scotland at the time, got sick, so my mother decided to leave India to take care of her. She intended […]