Prepare for a Citizenship Clinic
Documents and information to bring with you to the Citizenship Clinic:
- $725 check or money order payable to: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY or file a fee waiver application.
- Applicants may participate in the workshop and delay the actual payment of application fees.
- Driver’s license or state-issued I.D.
- Passport from home country if available.
- Legal permanent residency card— “Green Card.”
Trips Outside the United States (month/day/year)
- Dates of all trips, over 24 hours, outside of the United States in the last five years.
- Reason for trip and destination.
Residence (last five years) month and year
- Complete addresses for the past five years.
- Dates moved in and moved out of the residence.
Employment (last five years) month and year
- Names, dates and addresses of all employers for the past five years.
- Title of position held.
- Present Spouse:
- Name
- Country of birth
- Date of birth
- Date of marriage by law
- Social Security number
- If spouse is a legal permanent resident, spouse’s green card number
- Date and place of naturalization
- Former Spouse:
- Name
- Date of marriage
- Date marriage ended
- Divorce/Death Certificate
- Immigration status
If your spouse was previously married, the same information is required about your spouse’s ex-husband/ex-wife.
- Names of all children
- Date of birth
- Country of birth
- If child is a legal permanent resident, child’s green card number
- City and state of where they live
Criminal Record
- Date and location of any arrest
- Nature of the offense
- Outcome of the case
- Police report and court disposition
Selective Service (Males only)
Selective Service number and date registered
- If you registered and do not have this information, call (847) 688-6888 or visit
- If you have not registered and are between the ages of 18 and 26, register by calling (847) 688-6888.
**This is a partial list only. We may require additional information and/or documentation.