
Through Our Eyes: Immigrant Stories

“Through Our Eyes” is a collection of worker stories, each a unique narrative that echoes the resilience and determination of the immigrant experience when coming to America in pursuit of a better life. Explore the diverse and inspiring tales that have collectively shaped America into the cultural tapestry and economic powerhouse it is today.

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Mery, SEIU member

Mery Davis, shaqaalaha daryeelka guriga iyo xubin SEIU 1199

Waxaan haystaa sawirro aad u yar oo noloshayda ah ka hor intaanan iman Ameerika. Mararka qaarkood, waxaan lahaa sawir aniga iyo walaalahey markii ay booqdeen Honduras ka dib markii uu dhashay cunugeyga koowaad. Laakiin markii aan shaqada ka bilaabay Ameerika, qof baa i dhacay oo jeebkayga ka qaatay meesha aan sawirka ku haystay. Khasaaradaasi igama celin in aan nolol wanaagsan ku helo halkan.

Sii akhri

Share Your Story

Are you inspired to share your own immigrant story? Fill out the form now, and we’ll reach out to you. Join “Through Our Eyes” in celebrating the diverse narratives that shape America. Let’s amplify your voice and honor your journey.