Osnažujuća promjena.

Paljenje snova.

iAmerica je nacionalna platforma kampanje za imigrantsku pravdu Međunarodne unije službenika (SEIU). Osnažujemo snove i pokrećemo promjene zalažući se za prava svih američkih porodica.

Istaknuta priča
Nurse with illustrated paper airplane next to her

Teresa DeLeon, imigrantica sa Filipina i članica SEIU 1199NW

Istaknuta akcija
Hands holding up American flags

Poduzmite akciju - obećajte naturalizaciju

Istaknuti resurs
Hand placing a card in a ballot box

Upoznajte svoja prava

prije 5 dana

Arizona showed up at last night's debate watch party hosteMi Familia Vota Vota. Voters know the stakes and want leaders who stand with working families on issues that matter: immigration reform, healthcare, reproductive freedom, and more. We Kirsten EngelEngel will fight for these priorities in Congress! Arizona, early voting starts today! Make your voice heard: www.vote411.org/arizona#early-voti#WeDecide2024e#AZ6 #AZ6 ... Vidjeti višeVidi manje
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La votación anticipada comienza hoy en AZ, 10/9 y termina el 11/1. Si es elegible, ¡haga que su voz sea escuchada! Nuestras familias están contando con usted. Encuentre una ubicación de votación anticipada cerca de usted o reciba una boleta por correo en: https://www.vote411.org/es/arizona#votaci%C3%B3n-anticipada

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