Otorize rèv.

Limen Chanjman.

iAmerica se platfòm nasyonal kanpay jistis imigran Inyon Entènasyonal Anplwaye Sèvis (SEIU). N ap otorize rèv ak deklanche chanjman nan defann dwa tout fanmi Ameriken yo.

En Resous
Image showing people at a protest with raised fists

Konnen dwa ou

En Aksyon
Hands holding up American flags

Pran Aksyon - Pwomèt Natiralize

En Istwa
Nurse with illustrated paper airplane next to her

Teresa DeLeon, imigran ki soti nan Filipin ak manm SEIU 1199NW

3 jou de sa

Terrorizing Black and brown people in the name of safety is outright racial profiling. The majority of voters want a fair immigration system with a pathway to citizenship—not a cruel deportation machine that tears families and communities apart. ... Gade plisGade Mwens
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