Otorize rèv.

Limen Chanjman.

iAmerica se platfòm nasyonal kanpay jistis imigran Inyon Entènasyonal Anplwaye Sèvis (SEIU). N ap otorize rèv ak deklanche chanjman nan defann dwa tout fanmi Ameriken yo.

En Istwa
Nurse with illustrated paper airplane next to her

Teresa DeLeon, imigran ki soti nan Filipin ak manm SEIU 1199NW

En Aksyon
Hands holding up American flags

Pran Aksyon - Pwomèt Natiralize

En Resous
Hand placing a card in a ballot box

Konnen dwa ou

Think you support mass deportation? Watch this.

Jess Craven talks about the economic costs—and the costs to YOU— of mass deportation. [Spoiler alert: they’re HUGE.]

#WeDecide2024 #KeepFamiliesTogether

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